Phone-Spinning Video Apps

The Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama App Spins the iPhone on Its Own

The Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama App spins an iPhone on its own while taking a 360-degree video. The app has even captivated Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. It turns the phone without the help or support of a tripod. The best part is its ability to take amazing quality video while you stand back and watch it in action.

The Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama App is compatible with video companies like Kogeto. The app works for all iPhones with iOS 6. However, the app works best with iPhone 5 due to its light weight. The app balances your phone upright on a flat surface like a granite countertop or glass table. The surface must be smooth for the phone to turn itself efficiently. The video starts to record simply by pressing the go button which makes the phone vibrate at just the right frequencies forcing the phone to twist. The iPhone continues to spin in a circle and record until the stop button is pressed. The fascinating video app is a must try!
Trend Themes
1. Hands-free Video Capture - Opportunities for disruptive innovation lie in developing additional hands-free video capture applications that can be used for a variety of purposes.
2. Automated Video Production - Developing an app that is capable of automating the video production process could revolutionize the industry by making it easier and more accessible to businesses and individuals alike.
3. 360-degree Video Capture - Disruptive innovation possibilities exist in creating a platform that can capture 360-degree video for use in virtual reality applications or other immersive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Video Production - Disruptive innovation opportunities exist in developing technology that removes barriers to video production, such as needing a tripod or other equipment.
2. Augmented Reality - Augmented reality may be a strong fit for incorporating the 360-degree video capabilities of apps like Cycloramic into interactive experiences.
3. Event Production - The hands-free nature of Cycloramic could make it a valuable tool for capturing footage at live events where it is difficult to set up tripods or stabilize camera equipment.

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