Cycloc Bike Lock

Hang your Bike up like a Coat

In apartment living, floor space is everything; many apartment dwellers own a pushie, but where to store the sucker? Downstairs in the building carpark to be stolen or flattened by Crazy Bob's SUV? The Cycloc allows you to literally hang your bike up on the wall quickly and easily- assuming your bike is a relatively modern one, and not stupidly heavy and the wall you're attaching it to is a lil stronger than a japanese paper screen. Comes in a variety of urban colours for around 160 bucks AUS.
Trend Themes
1. Vertical Bike Storage - Opportunity to develop innovative and space-saving bike storage solutions that utilize vertical wall space.
2. Secure Bike Locking Systems - Potential for disruptive innovations in bike locking systems that provide enhanced security features.
3. Compact Urban Transportation - Innovation opportunities exist to create compact and easily storable transportation solutions for urban environments.
Industry Implications
1. Home Organization - Disruptive innovation potential in creating innovative solutions for organizing and storing items in small living spaces.
2. Bicycle Accessories - Opportunity to develop innovative and convenient accessories that enhance the usability and security of bikes.
3. Smart Home Technology - Potential for disruptive innovations that integrate smart home technologies with bike storage and security systems.

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