Programmable Bank Accounts

This Custom Bank Account Platform Lets Coders Build Their Own Features

This custom bank account platform allows software developers to code their own accounts. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Root offers programmable bank accounts with full API access so customers can build their own interfaces and control their funds. Root accounts also come with a programmable credit card that "lets you write code that interacts with transactions in real-time." RootCode enables customers to use securely hosted JavaScript code to build new features and add on services to their account.

Powered by Standard Bank South Africa in collaboration with OfferZen, the custom bank account platform demonstrates how fintech is making private banking and finance management more accessible and democratic. Root is also distinguishing itself amongst other financial apps by offering its users such a level of personalization.
Trend Themes
1. Programmable Finance Accounts - Opportunity to launch a new not-so-traditional retail banking platform that enables developers to code their own accounts and control their funds.
2. Api-driven Banking - Availability of API access in banking presents an opportunity for corporations to launch custom finance solutions designed to scale infinitely and allow for faster access to data.
3. Open Development Finance - Open development finance presents an opportunity for third-party developers to build and launch comprehensive banking solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Banking and Financial Services Industry - Financial services providers can offer programmable banking accounts and credit cards as part of their suite of services to attract programmers and other tech-savvy individuals.
2. Fintech Industry - Fintech companies can leverage the power of programmable banking accounts to come up with innovative solutions, and tap into the pool of developers.
3. Technology Industry - Programmable banking could be the next big feature offered by Big Tech, but they need to be wary of their level of influence, power and control over transactions and individual customer financial data.

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