Crystal Ball of Flight Delays

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The number-crunchers over at DelayCast have crunched some historical data to predict the likelihood of your flight being delayed or canceled. They can predict a broad range of delays by looking at specific times of day, airports and regions rather than specific flights.

What's even cooler, as their knowledge base grows, so will their coverage. They're looking into how to predict wait times at security checkpoints, too.

They're still in their beta stage covering 60 cities and 11 airlines, but things look promising for this upstart website.
Trend Themes
1. Predictive Flight Delay Analysis - uses historical data to predict flight delays and cancellations for specific times, airports and regions.
2. Expansion Into Security Checkpoint Wait Times - is exploring ways to predict wait times at airport security checkpoints as their knowledge base grows.
3. Personalized Flight Delay Notifications - plans to offer personalized notifications for flight delays and cancellations based on user preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Airlines - Airlines can use's predictive data to proactively manage flight delays and prevent customer dissatisfaction.
2. Travel Agencies - Travel agencies can integrate's data and notifications into their booking systems to provide a better customer experience.
3. Airport Management - Airports can use's data to optimize their resources and improve the efficiency of their operations.

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