Homemade Pizza Croutons

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Using This Pizza Croutons Recipe Will Make Every Salad More Enjoyable

This croutons recipe will appeal to anyone who likes to make their salad accessories from scratch, but maybe also aren't even all that into salads. From Perry Santanachote at the Thrillist, the homemade pizza croutons taste infinitely better than ordinary croutons because they are made out of actual pizza (which we all know is the best food there is).

The croutons recipe reuses leftover pizza slices. After slicing them into small squares, you simply fry them up to turn them into croutons. The only additional ingredient you need is vegetable oil to but in the frying pan. In addition to an unhealthy salad topping, the croutons can be added to soups and also make a tasty snack on their own.
Trend Themes
1. Leftover Recipe Revolution - Creating new dishes out of leftovers is a growing trend that can lead to innovative culinary creations.
2. Snackification - Transforming traditionally savory dishes like pizza into snackable form is becoming more popular as consumers embrace on-the-go eating.
3. DIY Salad Toppers - Consumers are seeking ways to customize their salads to their tastes by making their own croutons, dressings, and other toppings at home.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Innovative food companies can embrace the trend of creating recipes from leftovers and snackable versions of popular dishes, like pizza, to appeal to consumers seeking unique flavor experiences and convenience.
2. Grocery - Grocery stores can capitalize on the DIY salad movement by offering bulk supplies of crouton-making ingredients, as well as salad toppings like seeds, nuts, and dried fruits.
3. Cooking and Recipe Apps - Mobile app developers can create new recipe apps that focus on using leftover food items to reduce food waste and promote sustainability in the kitchen; as well as offering meal planning solutions for consumers looking to customize their meals to their tastes and dietary needs.

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