Inclusive Cover Model Campaigns

The Cosmo Global Campaign Lets Your Face Take Center Stage

If you have even dreamed of being featured on a popular website, the Cosmo Global Campaign is exactly the contest for you.

In order to celebrate all women and all different types beauty, Cosmopolitan magazine has begun a campaign that allows viewers to send their picture into Cosmo's website. Once your photo is submitted, you are entered for a chance to win a trip to New York and a Cosmo photo shoot.

This is a genius campaign because it not only gives fans a chance to be featured on the website, but it also raises website traffic. Users can also link this opportunity to their social media sites. Since participants can like the site on Facebook, it will direct attention to the magazine and hopefully, more people will apply.

The Cosmo Global Campaign is a great way to celebrate the beauty within, all the while promoting the magazine.
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Campaigns - More companies can adopt inclusive campaigns that showcase diversity and welcome all consumers.
2. User-generated Content - Businesses can engage users and increase site traffic by hosting campaigns that encourage user-generated content.
3. Social Media Integration - Including social media integration in campaigns can amplify marketing reach and create a larger online presence for the brand.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can create similar campaigns to reach audiences and increase site engagement.
2. Beauty - Beauty companies can lead the charge with campaigns that celebrate diverse beauty and encourage consumers to feel confident in their own skin.
3. Marketing - Marketing agencies can help brands organize and execute campaigns that celebrate consumer participation, user-generated content, and brand promotion through social media integration.

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