Wine Topper Animal Friends

Corkers Makes Pets Out of Bottle Tops

If you didn't quite realize how many corks needed to build that homemade cork board when you started saving the tops from wine bottles last year, these cute Corkers designed in collaboration by Oded Friedland and Reddish Studio will be of service.

Corkers are adorable little push pins that are shaped like animal parts and that allow you to turn your bottle tops into creative creatures such as a bunny rabbit, monkey, buffalo, deer, crow and bear. The push pin parts are also stored in a bag that can be used as a gift tag and attached to a bottle of wine. So make your gifted bottle of booze stand out at the next dinner party and bring your host a pack of these fun, crafty Corkers too.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Corks - With the growing popularity of DIY projects, creating an entire industry around upcycling wine bottle corks is a disruptive innovation opportunity.
2. Personalized Gift Packaging - The rise of gift-giving and personalized options presents an opportunity for businesses to market creative, customizable packaging such as Corkers animal push pins to make their products stand out.
3. Eco-friendly and Fun Consumer Products - The combination of Corkers' cute animal designs and its eco-friendly use of repurposed materials offers a unique selling proposition for businesses looking to tap into consumers' desire for sustainable and entertaining products.
Industry Implications
1. Wine and Spirits - Corkers' wine bottle topper animal designs can help wine and spirits businesses stand out in the market, especially those who market to a younger, playful demographic.
2. Arts and Crafts - Corkers' popularity in the DIY and crafting space presents an opportunity for businesses to tap into this market and create new and unique craft projects using Corkers' playful designs.
3. Gifts and Novelties - Corkers' unique and customizable gift packaging presents an opportunity for businesses in the gift and novelty industries to offer fun and personalized packaging options for their products.

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