Batter-Stuffed Biscuit Sandwiches

These Oatmeal Cookies are Filled with Oatmeal Cookie Dough

Enjoying a freshly baked cookie is all good and well, but equally as good is sneaking a bite of the fresh cookie dough. These homemade oatmeal cookie sandwiches by lifestyle blog SheKnows cleverly add in the batter element by filling the sandwiches with a cookie dough filling that is conveniently egg-free.

Thanks to the cookie dough filling being egg-free, you can enjoy the delicious taste of the raw batter without worrying about food poisoning. The recipe is broken into two batches, one containing eggs that will be the cooked cookies and another without eggs that will be the cookie dough. Once the cookies are baked, the raw cookie dough is formed into patties and then chilled to firm in texture before being slotted in between two freshly baked oatmeal cookies.
Trend Themes
1. Egg-free Desserts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of egg-free desserts that allow consumers to enjoy the taste of raw batter without worrying about food safety.
2. Alternative Fillings - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with different fillings to create unique and unexpected flavor combinations in sandwich-style desserts.
3. Hybrid Treats - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine two beloved treats into one, like stuffing cookie dough into biscuits, to create indulgent and innovative dessert options.
Industry Implications
1. Food Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and market innovative, ready-to-eat dessert products that cater to consumers looking for egg-free options.
2. Retail Bakery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer a range of alternative filling options for sandwich-style baked goods to attract customers seeking unique flavor experiences.
3. Dessert Food Truck - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a dessert food truck concept that specializes in serving hybrid treats, attracting customers with its innovative and indulgent offerings.

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