Muscial Break-Up Apps

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This App Plays Certain Songs When a User Tries to Contact an Ex

'Nickelblock' is an app that plays Nickelback whenever a user tries to contact an ex. With the advent a social media, it can be difficult to completely cut one's self off after a break up. This app prevents users from reaching out to their ex by blasting a series of annoying songs.

The app works by playing Nickelback songs each time a user tries to type their ex's name into their smartphone. The app not only prevents a user from calling or texting their former partner but also stops them from contacting that person on social media as well. Although not all users will be annoyed by this particular band, the idea is that the sound of the music will be enough to deter any further contact.

While the Nickelblock app is not actually available for download, the project does demonstrate the ease of contacting an ex in the digital age.
Trend Themes
1. Break-up Prevention Apps - Developing apps that deter users from contacting their ex-partners by using various disruptive tactics.
2. Sonic Deterrent Technology - Exploring the use of specific music or sound to discourage unwanted behaviors or actions.
3. Digital Relationship Management - Creating tools or platforms that help individuals manage their digital interactions and relationships post-breakup.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Innovating and creating apps like Nickelblock that use unique strategies to prevent certain user actions.
2. Music Streaming Services - Partnering with apps or developing features that allow users to personalize their sonic experiences for behavioral deterrents.
3. Social Media Platforms - Introducing features or functionalities that assist users in managing their digital relationships and avoiding certain contacts.

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