Sustenance-Dispensing Fridges

Foodles is a Connected Refrigerator and Vending Machine in One

Foodles is a new concept designed by the eponymous French startup which is equipping offices with a device that sits somewhere between a connected refrigerator and a vending machine.

Instead of dispensing chocolate bars and chip bags, this device supplies full meals that can be purchased using a smartphone or credit card. This fridge allows employers to offer employees heavily discounted meals that are packed with nutrients. Once a Foodles Fridge is installed, the company will arrive daily, filling the fridge with affordable sustenance that's available for as low as $6. Meal options will vary from week to week, offering users variety.

Although the installation fee is hefty, this connected refrigerator could provide a long term solution to smaller businesses in Europe who often provide their employees with subsidized lunch coupons.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Refrigerator - Exploring the potential of providing sustenance dispensing fridges to offices as a long term solution for employee meals.
2. Smart Vending Machines - Designing smart vending machines for office spaces that dispense full meals instead of snacks.
3. Healthy Meal Delivery - Offering affordable and nutrient-packed meal options through connected refrigerators in offices.
Industry Implications
1. Office Supplies - Designing and manufacturing connected refrigerators that serve as vending machines for full meals for offices.
2. Healthy Eating Industry - Creating solutions for offices that promote healthy eating by providing affordable and nutritious meal options.
3. Cashless Payment Systems - Developing cashless payment systems for smart vending machines that dispense full meals.

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