Versatile Compact Irons

Collar Perfect is the Perfect Iron When You Need a Quick Touch-Up

Traditional irons are fine when you have a load of clothes you need to work on, but if the job is small or only requires a quick touch-up, the Collar Perfect iron is the perfect tool for the job.

Collar Perfect is designed similarly to a hair straightener. It clamps down on your fabric, and heats it from both sides. Its compact size makes it ideal for quickly fixing shirt collars, pockets, skirt hems, pant creases and between buttons. However, for those moments when you need to iron your clothes the conventional way, the hinges of the Collar Perfect can lie flat, and in addition to its five different temperature settings, there's almost no job the Collar Perfect can't handle.

Collar Perfect is seeking funding on KickStarter, with almost two months left for it to reach its funding goal.
Trend Themes
1. Compact Irons - The trend towards compact irons will continue as people continue to prefer efficient tools with a smaller footprint.
2. Multipurpose Irons - The trend towards multipurpose irons is driven by the need for adaptable tools that can handle multiple tasks with ease.
3. Crowdfunding - The trend towards crowdfunding will continue to grow as more innovative products seek funding from a wider pool of investors.
Industry Implications
1. Textile Manufacturing - Compact, multipurpose irons offer a unique opportunity for textile manufacturers to differentiate themselves in the market by creating tailored fabric ironing solutions.
2. Fashion Retail - From designer boutiques to department stores, the Collar Perfect provides a unique opportunity for fashion retailers to create a new market niche in the compact iron category.
3. Hardware - Crowdfunding campaigns like that of the Collar Perfect offer a unique opportunity for hardware innovators to gain funding for and awareness of their groundbreaking products.

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