Crafty Coffee Lampshades

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Designer Makes an Eco Lighting Accessory from Java and Scrap Paper

If you happen to find yourself with expired coffee grounds and a full recycling bin, perhaps you could have a go at producing your own coffee lampshade. If you're less than confident about your artisanal abilities, however, leave it up to the talented Ryan Jongwoo Choi to turn trash into something wonderful.

Just three ingredients were combined to manufacture an incredibly organic and eco-friendly lighting accessory: recycled paper, ground coffee and cornstarch. The creator wet-mixed these materials together and set them into ring-shaped molds to form the stacking components of the conical sculpture. Assembled and dried, the Oriental Coffee Lampshade has a lovely earthy look about it, yet it presents another pair of pluses. The product exudes a delightful aroma and the entire thing can be decomposed in the soil whenever you might be done with it.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Lighting - The development of sustainable materials to make lighting fixtures.
2. Upcycling - Using discarded materials to create new and innovative products.
3. Aromatherapy - Incorporating natural scents into products for relaxation and wellness benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Providing sustainable design options for homeowners and businesses.
2. Home Decor - Developing unique and eco-friendly products for the home.
3. Sustainability - Creating solutions for businesses to reduce waste and environmental impact.

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