Creamy Cocktail Art

Duke Capo Sells Cocktails with Cute 3D Toppings

A bar in Tokyo, Japan called Duke Capo is known for its delectable drinks and the cocktail art that accompanies them. The bartenders and mixologists use cream, chocolate sauce and booze to make cute 3D designs that pop up from the drinking glasses.

The creamy works of art float on top of each drink. They are so perfectly placed you probably won't want to take a sip and ruin them. Some of the designs that have been showcased so far include a white teddy bear with a pink bow that is holding a rose, a frog that is surrounded with lilly pads and appears to be emerging from the drink and a pair of penguins.

The art form is creative way for people to make classic drinks more fun and modern.
Trend Themes
1. Cute Cocktail Toppings - Innovative use of cream, chocolate sauce and booze to make cute 3D designs that float on top of cocktails.
2. Creative Cocktail Art - Incorporating clever designs to classic cocktails to bring a modern twist.
3. Interactive Drinks - Creating a memorable experience for customers by engaging them with unique and eye-catching beverage presentations.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Hotels, bars and caterers can incorporate these innovative ideas to elevate their drink menus and enhance the customer experience.
2. F&B Industry - Food and beverage brands can collaborate with mixologists to create signature drinks with memorable and interactive presentations that create buzz and increase brand recognition.
3. Event Planning Industry - Creative beverage presentations can add an extra level of excitement and entertainment to all types of events, from weddings to corporate parties.

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