Canine Entertainment Consoles

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'CleverPet' Keeps Your Dog Entertained & Well-Fed While You're Away

CleverPet is an interactive gadget that keeps your dog entertained, stimulated and well-fed while you're away from home. Users simply have to fill up the contraption with dry dog food, and its software runs your pet through a selection of games that reward your dog with treats when it does well.

CleverPet can connect via WiFi to iOS and Android smartphones via an accompanying app, allowing you to control the device remotely and monitor your dog's progress. CleverPet is designed to be open source, so geeky dog owners can even create custom apps.

The contraption has a low center of gravity so it can't be knocked over by more raucous dogs. It is designed without chew-able parts, has touch-sensitive pads that light up in colors inside dogs' visual spectrum, and has a bark-detecting microphone.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Pet Tech - Interactive gadgets for pets that keep them stimulated and engaged while their owners are away.
2. Connected Pet Accessories - Pet accessories that can be connected to smartphones for remote monitoring and customization.
3. Intelligent Pet Food Dispensers - Pet food dispensers with software that allow for customized feeding schedules and game-based feeding.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Care Industry - Innovations in pet care technology that are reshaping how pets are cared for.
2. Smart Home Industry - Pet tech as part of an expanding smart home industry.
3. Gaming Industry - The intersection of pet care and gaming through interactive game-based feeding devices.

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