Circuit Board Art

These Collages Made from Circuit Boards Resemble Complex Maps

Depending on your vantage point, these images of circuit board art can look like aerial maps from afar, or abstract art sculptures up close. When studied even more, Elias Sime’s installations become more impressive. Sime's work is representative of a modernist view of paintings, without the use of paint, but instead discarded computer parts.

Many of Sime's work takes years of collecting and assembly often using whatever scraps she can find and mold into puzzle-like pieces. To create these sculptures, Sim uses a wood backing which she then nails motherboards, circuit boards and various other computer parts to create her inventive collages. The textural detail that Sime achieves creates visually complex sculptures that mirror highly detailed paintings. Sime also strategically groups colors together to create these stunning illusions.
Trend Themes
1. E-waste Art - The emerging trend of creating art using discarded electronic components presents opportunities to reduce e-waste while unlocking new forms of creativity.
2. Tech Recycling - As people become more conscious of the environmental impact of e-waste, recycling old technology to be repurposed by artists can be a lucrative and sustainable industry trend.
3. Sustainable Design - Artists who incorporate sustainable design in their electronic artwork can tap into a growing consumer trend that values environmentally friendly products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The circuit board art trend has the potential to create a new market for artists who want to incorporate discarded tech components in their work.
2. Technology - The rise of e-waste art creates new opportunities for technology companies to partner with artists and ensure their products are disposed of in environmentally responsible ways.
3. Sustainability - Sustainability-focused companies can partner with e-waste artists to showcase their commitment to eco-friendliness while supporting emerging artists.

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