Cereal-Flavored Instant Oatmeals

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Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Oatmeal Comes with a Sweet Topper

Say goodbye to blend oatmeal, thanks to the new Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Oatmeal packets.

In an effort to make instant oatmeal a little more exciting, General Mills’ Big G Instant Oatmeals now come in flavors inspired by four iconic breakfast cereals. Beginning In June, you'll be able to get your hands on Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, and Trix oatmeal varieties, so you can enjoy two tasty breakfast options in one bowl.

As if that weren't exciting enough, these instant oatmeal packets also come with special toppers to add a crunchy element. For instance, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Oatmeal comes with Cinnadust Topping, while the Trix Fruit Flavored Oatmeal comes with a Colorful Crunchy Topping.

All four of the cereal-inspired oatmeal flavors will be available exclusively from Walmart as of June 2021.
Trend Themes
1. Cereal-flavored Instant Oatmeals - The trend of creating cereal-flavored instant oatmeals can be an opportunity for food companies to offer consumers new and exciting breakfast options.
2. Crossover Flavors - The trend of combining the flavors of two iconic breakfast foods could be a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies looking to revitalize classic products.
3. Enhanced Food Toppings - The trend of packaging special crunchy toppings with instant oatmeal flavors could be an opportunity for food companies to enhance the eating experience of consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage companies could benefit from this trend by offering breakfast products that deliver unique, enticing flavors and textures.
2. Packaging - Companies that specialize in designing customized food packaging could utilize this trend to create a more enjoyable and visually appealing experience for consumers.
3. Grocery and Retail - The grocery and retail industries could be disrupted by this trend, as consumers may shift their purchasing decisions towards products that offer more exciting and unique breakfast options.

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