Off-Flight In-Flight Entertainment

Air France's Cinema to Go Lets People Finish Films After Flight

Poor planning on a passenger's side may lead to not finishing a great in-flight movie; but that won't have to be the case for some thanks to the new Cinema to Go service on Air France. For a short time, the airline will allow people to watch and finish films which have won awards at the Cannes Film Festival after their flight has landed.

Through Cinema to Go, they will receive a gift code that can be used on tablets, smartphones and PCs. Once all signed in, passengers will be able to choose from the "Cannes Film Festival" section and watch such classics as The Pianist, Persepolis annd The Artist. It celebrates Air France’s 36 years of partnership with the Cannes Film Festival.
Trend Themes
1. In-flight Entertainment - Airline companies can explore more options for in-flight entertainment outside of the traditional methods
2. Post-flight Experience - The market for post-flight experiences and services can be developed
3. Partnership Marketing - Partnerships between airlines and festivals can create unique marketing opportunities
Industry Implications
1. Airline - Airlines can use the trend of in-flight entertainment to differentiate themselves in the industry
2. Film and Entertainment - Movie and television companies can explore partnerships with airlines to create unique post-flight experiences for their customers
3. Tourism - The tourism industry can take advantage of post-flight experiences that keep passengers engaged even after their trip is over

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