Socially Connected TVs

Bring Friends, Updates and the 'Net to the Living Room Via Chumby NeTV

Why shell out your savings for a new smart television when, for a fraction of the price, you can let a Chumby NeTV stream social network updates and the Internet onto your set?

Because technology develops so quickly, it's difficult to keep up to date while maintaining the stability of your bank account. This tough reality is what makes the Chumby NeTV so valuable. Acting as a middle man between your television set and the cable box, this device pushes your social network, Android apps and even Internet connectivity onto the screen. A smooth interface that includes social updates, emails and your favorite blog is superimposed onto the cable feed and disappears at the touch of a button.

Even the decrepit jumping box my grandparents grew up with is compatible with the Chumby NeTV!
Trend Themes
1. Social TV - Incorporating social media and Internet connectivity with television sets to enhance the viewing experience.
2. Smart Home Entertainment - Integrating technology into home entertainment systems to create a more connected and interactive experience.
3. Second Screen Experience - Using a separate device, such as a phone or tablet, to enhance the viewing experience and interact with content on the TV.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Creating innovative devices that connect television sets to social media and the Internet to stay relevant and competitive.
2. Entertainment - Producing and promoting content that is optimized for social TV and second screen experiences to attract and engage audiences.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Developing campaigns that leverage social TV and the second screen to create interactive experiences and increase engagement with customers.

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