Kid-Curated Toy Collections

Asda's Christmas Toy Range Features 100 Playthings Chosen by Kids

Many retailers are now announcing their top toy picks for the holiday season, including British supermarket retailer Asda, which took a different approach to deciding which playthings should be among its Christmas toy range.

True to its name, Asda's 'Chosen by Kids' range features over 100 toys that were selected by 500 kids earlier this year as part of an event where toy suppliers pitched their best products. Kids between the ages of two and 14 were part of the event, as well as a dedicated team of "play inspectors" to measure how kids reacted to the toys, as well as how long they were able to hold their interest.

The crowdsourced ‘Chosen by Kids’ range is set to be available at 626 stores nationwide, as well as online. As Chosen by Kids is set to reflect the toys that kids in the UK genuinely want to play with, Asda is including 20% more stock of toys in the top 20.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Toy Selection - More retailers may incorporate crowdsourcing to gather insights and preferences of toy consumers.
2. Kid-focused Marketing - More retailers may adopt a kid-focused approach in their advertising and marketing efforts to better engage their audience and improve sales.
3. Parental Involvement in Toy Selection - More retailers may provide opportunities for parents to involve their children in the toy selection process, resulting in increased engagement and loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can leverage crowdsourcing to gain valuable insights and preferences of their target demographic to drive sales.
2. Toy Manufacturing - Toy manufacturers can gather consumer feedback through similar crowdsourcing methods to develop and market products that resonate with their target audience.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can explore kid-focused marketing approaches to help their clients better engage with a younger demographic.

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