Matchmaking Course Selectors

The University of Salford Makes Choosing Courses Like Tinder

When it comes to choosing courses for post-secondary education, students are tasked with finding a balance between content that will support their future growth and development and fuel their interests.

While the only thing Tinder and academics may have in common is how frequently the dating app is used on campuses, the University of Salford's new online Match Maker tool takes inspiration from the simple swiping interface of Tinder. To begin, the Salford Clearing Match Maker app has users choose at most three subject areas, which can range from accounting to zoology. From there, a number of suitable matches are suggested and a course's best features are outlined in three bullet points, like a very succinct speed dating profile.

As Millenials are faced with big decisions as they progress through adulthood, many brands are tapping into gamification to help make choices seem simpler.
Trend Themes
1. Gamified Decision Making - Using gamification to simplify complex decision-making processes for Millennials.
2. Swipe-based Interfaces - Applying Tinder-like swiping interfaces to non-dating contexts, such as course selection.
3. Personalized Recommendations - Providing tailored recommendations based on user preferences and interests.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Integrating gamified decision-making tools into the education sector to enhance course selection experiences.
2. Technology - Developing swipe-based interfaces for various applications beyond dating, including online tools and apps.
3. Marketing - Leveraging personalized recommendation algorithms to enhance customer experiences across various industries.

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