Cold Weather Workout Campaigns

The Nike Choose Your Winter Commercial Stars Comedian Chris O'Dowd

'Choose Your Winter' is the slogan Nike is adopting for its campaign against the cold weather. Or, more accurately, its embrace of the cold weather. In what is to be the first of a series of commercials around the Choose Your Winter motto, comedian Chris O'Dowd acts as a weather newscaster who delves deeper into the issue of cold weather and how it affects athletes trying to maintain their strength and physique.

Yet as O'Dowd talks about the demise of humans in the cold, the Choose Your Winter commercial is peppered with happy athletes skating, playing football and more. Football stars Aaron Rodgers and Jordy Nelson, soccer players Clint Dempsey and Brad Evans, distance runner Mary Cain, figure skater Gracie Gold and snowboarder Johnnie Paxson all make an appearance. Their happiness is due entirely to being prepared thanks to Nike gear.
Trend Themes
1. Cold Weather Workout Gear - The popularity of trendy, functional outdoor clothing and accessories requires companies to continually improve their design and technology to keep up with customer demands.
2. Athleticism in All Seasons - As Nike continues to advocate year-round activity despite temperature changes, innovative businesses should continue to encourage their consumers to stay active through developing winter sports and activities.
3. Comedic Brand Marketing - The use of humor and satire in advertising is a key trend that can be used to attract youth and humor-loving consumer segments and drive greater engagement with campaigns and messages.
Industry Implications
1. Athletic Clothing & Apparel - As the cold weather becomes less of an obstacle for sports enthusiasts, innovative winter clothing solutions that balance style and function in outdoor settings will create better business opportunities.
2. Sporting Goods & Equipment - The introduction of unique winter sports activities and equipment will likely gain more interested participants as people continue to look for ways to stay active year-round.
3. Marketing & Advertising - As companies continue to change their approach to brand positioning and marketing strategy, utilizing innovative marketing tactics that are humorous and entertaining can increase customer attraction and boost brand visibility and loyalty.

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