Super-Sized Solar Plants

China Plans to Construct World's Largest Source of Sun Power

Forget Texas--everything's bigger in China, from the Great Wall to the Three Gorges Dam and now the largest solar power plant in the world.

There isn't a timeframe for the solar power plant's completion, but construction will begin in 2009. The project will begin in the Qaidam Basin with a 30 megawatt solar power plant; at its completion the plant will produce 1 gigawatt of clean power.

The massive solar power plant is a joint venture between China Technology Development Group Corp and Qinghai New Energy Group.
Trend Themes
1. Green Energy Supremacy - The race for the world’s largest and most efficient solar power plants.
2. Major Solar Investments - Increasing availability of funding for large-scale solar energy projects.
3. Solar Megaprojects - Growing popularity of large, ambitious solar farms in response to climate change.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - More investments, innovations, and projects are expected for the renewable energy sector as profitable opportunities continue to grow.
2. Manufacturing - There will be a growing demand for high-quality and reliable solar panels to support the surge of solar megaprojects.
3. Construction - The rise of megaprojects prompts construction companies to adopt new methods and strategies to optimize project implementation and minimize costs.

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