Vitamin Chewing Gums

'vitamingum' Freshens Breath and Supplies Essential Vitamins

Chewing gums are typically only thought of as products for freshening breath, but these ones from vitamingum do a double duty by also supplying nutrition to the body. Classic flavors like Spearmint, Peppermint and Cinnamon are reimagined with 12 essential vitamins and antioxidants to support overall health and wellness. With a focus on health, these chewing gum products are made without aspartame.

While there are plenty of other chewing gum types that are infused with one beneficial ingredient like white tea or ginseng, vitamingum maintains that its gum is the potent in terms of daily nutritional value and vitamins.

In order to make the act of chewing gum more worthwhile, many of today's consumers are looking for products that will also supply them with health benefits, instant energy or oral care solutions.
Trend Themes
1. Chewing Gum Nutrition - Opportunity to create chewing gums that not only freshen breath but also provide essential vitamins and antioxidants for overall health and wellness.
2. Health-enhancing Chewing Gums - Opportunity to develop chewing gums that offer health benefits, instant energy, or oral care solutions.
3. Multi-vitamin Chewing Gums - Opportunity to innovate chewing gums that contain a wide range of essential vitamins and nutrients for daily nutritional value.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food and beverage companies to enter the chewing gum market by offering nutrition-packed chewing gums.
2. Nutritional Supplements - Opportunity for nutritional supplement companies to expand their product lines by introducing chewing gums as a convenient supplement delivery form.
3. Oral Care - Opportunity for oral care companies to develop chewing gums that provide oral health benefits alongside essential vitamins and nutrients.

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