Commuter Change-Collecting Initiatives

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A Charity Social Experiment Helps the Poor Ride the Bus

Troco Coletivo, which translates to Payback Collective, is a Brazilian charity social experiment aimed at helping the poor gain access to public transportation. Similar to suspended coffee schemes or buy one give one tactics, Troco Coletivo lets people leave change via bright yellow stickers so needy people can ride the bus.

The charity social experiment hopes to integrate the city through cooperation. As those suffering from poverty walk the same streets as the wealthy, the Mark+ designed campaign encourages the wealthier to give back. Commuters can leave behind small change on the bus or at bus shelters through the yellow strips and pockets. While an element of trust is required for this charity social experiment to work, it also fosters a greater sense of community.
Trend Themes
1. Suspended Change Schemes - Opportunity to implement suspended change schemes in other industries to increase social impact.
2. Buy One Give One Tactics - Potential to apply buy one give one tactics in different sectors to address social issues.
3. Community Integration Initiatives - Disruptive innovation opportunities for initiatives promoting community integration in various contexts.
Industry Implications
1. Public Transportation - Opportunity to implement change-collecting initiatives in public transportation to help underprivileged individuals access transportation services.
2. Food and Beverage - Potential for suspended change schemes in the food and beverage industry to support those in need of meals.
3. Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunities for buy one give one tactics in the retail sector to contribute to charity or social causes.

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