Dirty Coin Documentations

The Change in Gross Places Series is Disturbingly Intriguing

Photographer Leslie Kay has managed to find a unique topic that most people walk by almost every day but never really see with her collection of photos entitled Change in Gross Places.

Leslie Kay manages to find the oddest coins in the most randomly disgusting places. From beside a poo-stained toilet to a whole in the floor, these coin photographs prove that Kay isn't afraid to go where no one has wanted to go before. The Change in Gross Places series shows that not everyone is willing to pick up the loose change on the floor.

The disgusting state of the places she photographs has managed to make this viewer cringe. The series also makes you realize just how much change is floating around in the world.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Photography - Exploring unconventional locations for photography can create unique and intriguing visual experiences.
2. Unconventional Artistic Perspectives - Challenging traditional notions of beauty and aesthetics by focusing on gross places creates a thought-provoking artistic statement.
3. Public Awareness of Filth - Highlighting the dirty reality of everyday places prompts conversations about hygiene, cleanliness, and public health.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Photography - Artists and photographers can adopt unconventional approaches to capture extraordinary perspectives and challenge societal norms.
2. Sanitation and Cleaning - Companies in the sanitation and cleaning industry can emphasize the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in public spaces.
3. Health and Wellness - Public health organizations can leverage this trend to raise awareness about the potential health risks associated with unclean environments.

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