Multicolored Challah Bread

This Colorful Recipe Remixes a Jewish Delicacy

Challah bread is a special braided bread typically eaten on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. However, this radiant recipe refashions the traditional dish for everyone to enjoy.

Posted on the 'What Would Jew Eat' food blog, this bizarre bread follows all the steps of the usual Challah bread. The various colors of this unique bread is provided by the use of several bottles of food coloring. Before turning the dough balls into strands, consumers must flatten the circular dough and add the food coloring. Immediately the dough will change color and become the vibrant dough needed to create this bold bread.

Rainbow Challah bread makes the perfect side dish for any Pride-themed soirees or children's parties.
Trend Themes
1. Rainbow Food - The trend of rainbow-colored food presents opportunities for bakeries and restaurants to create unique dishes that cater to special events or celebrations.
2. Food Art - The trend of using food as art presents opportunities for creative cooks to experiment with new ways to present their culinary creations.
3. Plant-based Challah Bread - The trend of plant-based diets presents an opportunity for bakeries and restaurants to create plant-based challah bread to cater to this growing demand.
Industry Implications
1. Bakery - The bakery industry can capitalize on the trend of rainbow-colored food by introducing new types of bread, pastries, and cakes to attract more customers.
2. Catering - The catering industry can capitalize on the trend of rainbow-colored food by creating visually stunning dishes for special events like weddings, birthdays, and corporate events.
3. Plant-based Food - The plant-based food industry can capitalize on the trend of plant-based diets by introducing new products like plant-based bread that cater to this growing demand.

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