Chalkboard Tables

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Chalkboard Paint Turns Boring Furniture Into Childhood Fun

One can of chalkboard paint + a boring wood table = a fun childhood-inspired centerpiece for your dining room. The possibilities are endless when your table is a canvas. From awesomely colored table settings to impromptu chalk art, a dinner party will have to be fun when the table is a part of the conversation.

The idea will be an obvious hit with kids, but chalkboard paint is a great source of entertainment for all ages. Designer Kate Leary takes a typical and traditional (boring) dining room table and turns it into an entertaining conversation piece all in itself.
Trend Themes
1. Chalkboard Paint Furniture - Chalkboard paint is turning ordinary furniture into playful, interactive pieces that make a bold statement while inviting engagement and creativity.
2. Interactive Furniture - Designers are creating furniture pieces that encourage social interaction, creativity and engagement, turning ordinary pieces into conversation starters that inject life and excitement into any space.
3. Multifunctional Furniture - Furniture designers are rethinking traditional pieces and coming up with new ways to incorporate functionality and playful elements to transform everyday furniture into multi-use, interactive options.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Designers are incorporating interactive, engaging elements to everyday objects, updating and transforming traditional furniture into bold, innovative staples for any space.
2. Interior Design - Chalkboard painted furniture offers a new way to add personality and playfulness to interior design, expanding the possibilities for creative expression and customized decor.
3. Event Planning - Chalkboard painted furniture offers new interactive, customizable elements for event planners, taking the concept of a chalkboard and applying it to larger spaces, creating fun engaging elements for events, parties and activities.

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