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Ceramics and Sound Exhibit in Cologne

The “Ceramics and Sound” exhibition features the works of artists and designers from the European Ceramic Work Center.

This year's exhibition takes place at the Neues Kunstforum in Cologne from July 12 to August 9.

As seen here, the exhibits vary from sound installations, to experiments and working prototypes. Perhaps this concept can be translated into commercial art-deco items in home entertainment?

Surely this is an offbeat type of pottery museum exhibit, but an extremely creative one!
Trend Themes
1. Art-tech Integration - The integration of sound installations and prototypes with ceramics creates opportunities for innovative art-tech collaborations.
2. Experiential Retail - Exhibiting ceramics in unconventional ways can inspire retailers to create immersive shopping experiences for customers.
3. Smart Home Decor - This exhibit can inspire designers to integrate sound and tech in home decor products for an elevated entertainment experience.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Home decor companies can capitalize on the trend of integrating sound installations with ceramics by creating smart and functional decorative items.
2. Art Galleries - Art galleries can showcase creative and unconventional exhibits that integrate various art forms and inspire innovation in the art industry.
3. Retail - Retailers can create immersive shopping experiences that feature unconventional exhibits, inspiring customers to think outside the box in their home decor choices.

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