Road Sign Text Ads

The Cepia Campaign Urges People to Drive Carefully and Live Longer

The Cepia campaign is one of many that have been cropping up in the last few months warning people to not text and drive. What sets this one apart is the clever application of road signs. Stop signs, one-way signs and turn right only signs are integrated into text messages, showing people what they can potentially miss when paying attention to their phone instead of the road and their surroundings. Paired with the tag line, "Mixing information, is missing information," the message sent by the Cepia campaign is loud and clear.

Created by Sao Paulo-based ad agency Africa, the Cepia campaign is simple and effective. It was art directed by Humberto Fernandez with photography by Rodrigo Pirim.
Trend Themes
1. Road Safety Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, such as integrating road signs into text messages.
2. Visual Messaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative ways to use visuals in messaging to convey important information effectively.
3. Attention Economy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Find creative strategies to capture and retain people's attention amidst the digital distractions of smartphones and other devices.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Discover novel approaches to advertising campaigns that engage and resonate with audiences in a unique and memorable way.
2. Technology and Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate new technologies and communication methods to promote road safety and discourage distracted driving.
3. Automotive and Transportation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with the automotive industry to integrate road safety messages directly into car systems or navigation apps for real-time reminders.

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