Cork Cage Hat Ads

CCSVI 'Brave Dreams' Campaign Aims to Unblock MS Sufferers' Veins

This CCSVI 'Brave Dreams' campaign really doesn't make much sense until your read the accompanying text. While the pair of ads may otherwise have you wondering if anger issues are the subject of the prints, the champagne cage headgear is actually meant to tell another story.

The CCSVI Nella Sclerosi Multipla Onlus has launched these images with the help of the Lowe Pirella Fronzoni advertising agency of Rome, Italy, to encourage donations for the cause of helping Multiple Sclerosis patients. The ads discuss a research project designed to make a surgical procedure free for sufferers of the condition of blocked veins in the neck and chest. Making a visual comparison to carefully removing a cork from the top of a bottle, this CCSVI 'Brave Dreams' campaign has the goal of relieving peoples' pent-up pressure.
Trend Themes
1. Medical Advertising - Creating bold, creative, and informative ads for medical causes to encourage donations
2. Campaigns for Patient Support - Launching campaigns that provide support for patients who have a medical condition
3. Innovative Surgical Procedures - Developing new surgical procedures to help alleviate medical conditions
Industry Implications
1. Medical Devices - Creating new medical devices to help diagnose and treat medical conditions
2. Pharmaceuticals - Developing new drugs to treat medical conditions
3. Hospitals and Clinics - Creating new methods to improve patients' outcomes and experiences in hospitals and clinics

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