Simple Pet Traps

The Cat Circle is a Simple Phenomenon in Which Cats Sit Patiently in Circles

Draw a line between a room and often that suggests a sort of segregation, which often needs an accompanying explanation of who belongs where; not so when it comes to cats and cat circles. The cat circle is a strange phenomenon in which these furry felines are drawn to the enclosure of a circle--even if it is just a line on the ground.

Currently making its rounds on the Internet thanks to a reddit conversation instigated by admancb, the Cat Circle phenonmenon is easy enough to put together and witness. As another redditor, kagedtiger, points out, Cat Circles adhere to the '3 laws of catlogics: A cat must act cute; A cat must be unhelpful as long as such unhelpfulness does not conflict with the First Law; A cat must do strange things except where this would conflict with the First or Second Laws.'
Trend Themes
1. Cat Circles - Opportunity to create products or services that cater to the fascination and behavior of cats sitting in circles.
2. Internet Sensations - Creating viral content and capitalizing on internet trends like the Cat Circle phenomenon.
3. Consumer Entertainment - Developing interactive experiences or toys that entertain both cats and their owners with the concept of cat circles.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Products - Innovating pet products that incorporate the concept of cat circles to enhance pet owners' interactions with their cats.
2. Social Media - Leveraging the popularity of internet sensations like the Cat Circle phenomenon to generate engagement and attract users to social media platforms.
3. Entertainment - Incorporating the fascination with cat circles into entertainment offerings, such as cat-centered TV shows or viral video compilations.

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