Cardboard Tube Fighting is the Official CTFL Site for Global DIY Jousters

Now, I’m not much of a sports fan, but a cardboard tube fighting league is awesome enough to get even me excited!

The Cardboard Tube Fighting League (seriously) is an official sport that has global competitions where people not only whack each other with cardboard "swords," but dress up in DIY cardboard garb too.

I mean, most us already figured out as kids that the cardboard tubes left over from wrapping paper are often the best part of gifts—especially when you have a cardboard tube wielding sibling or two joining in as well!
Trend Themes
1. Cardboard Tube DIY - Opportunity for companies to develop and market DIY cardboard gear for this emerging sport.
2. Alternative Sports Leagues - Opportunity for entrepreneurs to create new, unconventional sports leagues and attract a niche fanbase.
3. Sustainable Sporting Goods - Opportunity for sporting goods companies to develop eco-friendly and recyclable alternatives to traditional sports equipment.
Industry Implications
1. Sporting Goods - Sporting goods companies can explore new markets by developing gear for this emerging sport.
2. Entertainment - Alternative sports leagues can provide new and exciting forms of entertainment to attract a niche fanbase.
3. Sustainability - The development of sustainable and recyclable sporting goods can contribute to a more eco-friendly future.

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