Conducive Canine Treat Dispensers

Tidy Dog Presents its New Device That Teaches Pets to Be Cleaner

This conducive canine treat dispenser will teach your dog how to clean up after themselves -- a moment every pet owner has been waiting for. The Tidy Dog teaches your pet to clean up after itself in an efficient manner. Every time your dog cleans up a toy and puts it in the box, a treat is automatically dispensed and delivered to them. This is based on your dog’s ability to learn, and though some dogs aren’t smart enough to use this concept, there is a built-in sensor that senses movement if the dog is attempting to put the toy away, and they still get a treat.

The bin also consists of a built-in timer that prevents your dog from simply picking up a toy, only to immediately drop it and get another treat.

Do you want to do less work around the house when it comes to cleaning up after your pets? Get the Tidy Dog, and teach your pet to clean up after itself and get a reward.
Trend Themes
1. Canine Treat Training - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced treat dispensers that offer customized training programs for dogs to learn new behaviors.
2. Smart Pet Devices - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create intelligent devices that use sensors and timers to interact with pets and facilitate training or behavior modification.
3. Human-pet Interaction - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design products that enhance the bond between humans and pets by promoting interactive experiences and teaching new skills.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Care Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate technology into traditional pet care products, such as automated feeders, grooming tools, and toys.
2. Smart Home Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine pet-friendly features with smart home technologies to create a seamless and automated pet care experience.
3. Training and Education Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop online platforms or mobile apps that offer interactive pet training courses and resources for pet owners to teach new behaviors.

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