Upcycled Aluminum Automobiles (UPDATE)

These Awesome CanCars Models Are Beery Cool

Upcycled art is some of the coolest around, and these nifty CanCars models are a perfect example of how unexpected materials and objects can be completely transformed into totally different creations.

Made almost entirely from aluminum beverage containers, these CanCars models have a distinct personality and flavor all their own. The cars fetch a pretty price on the CanCars website, but for a much more economical price you can instead get DIY plans to make your own out of your favorite beer or beverage can.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Art - Transforming unexpected materials into unique creations.
2. Sustainable Design - Using recycled materials to create new products.
3. DIY Culture - Encouraging people to make their own customized items.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Exploring the use of upcycled materials in automobile manufacturing.
2. Craft and Hobby - Providing DIY enthusiasts with materials and instructions for creating upcycled art.
3. Beverage - Promoting the use of aluminum beverage containers in sustainable design projects.

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