Social Foresight Apps

'Called It' Tests Your Ability to Predict the Future

A new app by the name of 'Called It' has been launched to test your prediction skills about stuff going on that you and your friends really care about. It doesn't matter if you're a news junkie, a political pundit, a passionate sports fan or a massive film buff, Called It will test your ability to see into the future and call out what has yet to pass on subjects that matter to you.

The app provides daily multiple choice questions and automatically tracks your predictions, letting you know if and when you get them right.

Every correct prediction made on Called It earns points and the chance to level up. It also allows you to check out interesting predictions from others with the ability to comment or toss a "good call!" in their direction.
Trend Themes
1. Prediction Apps - Apps that test prediction accuracy of users by creating daily prediction games.
2. Gamification of Prediction - Using game mechanics to make predicting future events more engaging and enjoyable for users.
3. Social Prediction Networks - Creating social networks that revolve around users' ability to make accurate predictions.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Gaming companies can create prediction games that are more immersive and 'addictive.'
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can incorporate prediction features to increase engagement and interactivity.
3. Advertising and Marketing - By predicting consumer behavior and preferences, marketers can target more accurately and improve ROI.

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