Sloping Rooftop Cafes

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Cafe la Miell is One Slippery Coffee Spot

In Japan, the Cafe la Miell coffee shop is so popular that a second needed to open shop to accommodate the booming business.

Created by Suppose Design Office, the much needed space called for an interesting architectural building that would catch attention. The designers took advantage of the sloping rooftops to make a unique outdoor patio, sheltering the customers under the roof. Cafe la Miell definitely created a pleasant way to enjoy a cup of joe.
Trend Themes
1. Sloping Rooftop Design - Opportunity for architects and designers to utilize sloping rooftops to create unique and eye-catching spaces.
2. Outdoor Patio Innovation - Potential for businesses to explore innovative ways to create outdoor seating areas that offer shelter and enhance the customer experience.
3. Booming Coffee Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the coffee industry to meet the increasing customer demand for unique and aesthetically pleasing coffee shops.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - Architects and designers can leverage sloping rooftop designs to create visually striking and functional spaces.
2. Hospitality and Food Services - Businesses in the hospitality and food services industry can explore outdoor patio innovations to attract customers and enhance their dining experiences.
3. Coffee and Cafe Industry - Opportunities for coffee shops and cafes to disrupt the industry by creating unique and memorable customer experiences with innovative architectural designs.

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