Neoteric Robot Pictorials

The Bullet Media ‘Hello Planet’ Editorial Toys With Futurism

The Bullet Media ‘Hello Planet’ fashion story boasts a highly contemporary approach to editorial work incorporating some of the season’s most dynamic garment creations with a visionary New Aesthetic.

"Meet PopBot-3000, the future’s most beloved singing synthesizer application with a humanoid persona," declares the caption on this feature. Referencing Japanese digital pop stars, each capture capitalizes on futuristic themes and the neoteric creations of the runway season. Bullet Media’s ‘Hello Planet’ illustrates what virtual entertainer Hatsune Miku’s sartorially savvy counterpart would look like. 

The editorial features pieces by some of the most fresh creative forces in fashion such as Thom Browne, Prabal Gurung, Christopher Kane and Alessandra Rich as remarkably styled by Jessica Bobince. Striking imagery at play in the Bullet Media ‘Hello Planet’ editorial was captured by photographer James Orlando.
Trend Themes
1. New Aesthetic Fashion - Opportunity to explore fashion designs inspired by futuristic themes and neoteric creations of the runway season.
2. Virtual Entertainers - Potential for creating virtual performers with humanoid personas for entertainment and media industries.
3. Digital Pop Stars - Innovation in the music industry by developing singing synthesizer applications with a futuristic twist.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can leverage futuristic themes and neoteric creations for innovative designs and styles.
2. Entertainment - Media and entertainment industries can explore the concept of virtual entertainers with humanoid personas.
3. Music - Opportunity to disrupt the music industry by developing singing synthesizer applications inspired by digital pop stars.

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