Parody Princess Tees

This Disney Frozen T-Shirt Parodies the "Do you Want to Build a Snowman" Line

Graphic designer Tom Bancroft comically parodies the famous "do you want to build a snowman?" line from Disney's Frozen movie in his latest T-shirt design. The 'Yes, Now Quit Asking Me!' shirt features the two princesses from the film, Anna and Elsa, humorously arguing over building a snowman.

While Disney princesses are only two-dimensional animations, most people expect them to have good manners and behave themselves. Bancroft's T-shirt design refreshingly depicts Princess Elsa losing her cool with her younger sister Anna when Anna asks Elsa if she wants to build a snowman with her. In the film we see Elsa avoiding hanging out with Anna and the "do you want to build a snowman?" line becoming an epic musical number. In this T-shirt graphic we see Elsa's frustration coming through as she yells, "YES! I do want to build a snowman!! Now quit asking me!!"
Trend Themes
1. Parody T-shirts - Designing parody T-shirts based on popular movie lines can attract fans and consumers who enjoy unique and comical designs.
2. Character Franchise Merchandise - Creating merchandise based on popular characters can attract fans who want to showcase their affiliation with the particular franchise and design.
3. Humorous Animation Products - Designing animation products with humorous content can appeal to consumers looking for unique and entertaining goods.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Designing parody T-shirts can create unique and eye-catching fashion statements, attracting consumers who enjoy witty and comical designs.
2. Disney Franchise - Creating merchandise based on popular and iconic Disney characters can attract consumers who want to showcase their love for the franchise and its values.
3. Animation Industry - Producing humorous animation products can create a new category of entertainment and attract consumers looking for comedic content in a creative format.

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