At-Home Makeshift Sports Ads

Buffalo Wild Wings Celebrates Creative At-Home "Sports"

Buffalo Wild Wings' latest ad spot nods to the creative ways people are staying active while staying inside. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the majority of sporting activity on hold, but this didn't stop the sports bar franchise from celebrating the athletes, hobbyists and sports enthusiasts that are making the most of their situation.

The ad shows a home video-style montage of different consumers makeshift sporting setups, which include golfing with a ping pong ball and a cup, playing soccer with toilet paper rolls, skating practice with roller blades and a treadmill and more. The ad closes with a sentimental message from the brand that reads "even when sports aren't on, sports live on."
Trend Themes
1. At-home Sports - Opportunity to innovate and market sports equipment and accessories designed for home use.
2. Creative Recreation - Opportunity to develop and promote creative ways for people to stay active and entertained at home.
3. Adapting Sporting Activities - Opportunity to create products, services, and experiences that allow people to adapt their favorite sports to limited indoor spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment Manufacturing - Opportunity for manufacturers to design and produce sports equipment tailored for use in small indoor spaces.
2. Fitness and Home Entertainment - Opportunity for fitness and entertainment companies to offer innovative solutions for at-home physical activities and recreation.
3. Sports Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity to develop and execute advertising campaigns that celebrate and support the creativity of sports enthusiasts in adapting to limited at-home sporting activities.

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