Dreamlike Urban Photos

These Brooklyn Night Time Photos Are Dark and Moody

These Brooklyn night time photos were captured by Venezuelan born photographer Vanessa Rondon for a photo series titled '11pm-2am', which clearly refers to the time range within which the photos were taken.

Rondon took to photographing the city at night as she was busy working a full-time day job, and couldn't pull out the camera until after-hours. This prompted her to wander the quiet streets of Brooklyn by night and capturing moody photos of the city.

The dangers of walking through the streets of Brooklyn's industrial neighborhoods at night did not stop Rondon from carrying out her project, even when she was warned multiple times by police that she could be putting herself in danger.

The end result however is a collection of Brooklyn night time photos that are hauntingly beautiful.
Trend Themes
1. Nighttime Photography - Explore opportunities to create more innovative, unique nighttime photography experiences.
2. Working Professionals - Innovate new ways to help working professionals balance their passion projects with their full-time jobs.
3. Urban Artistry - Capitalizing on people's thirst for the urban aesthetic by creating opportunities to showcase skilled urban photographers.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Exploring opportunities to innovate ways to showcase the work of talented urban photographers.
2. Tourism - Innovating urban tourism by creating unique nighttime photography tours that showcase a city's hidden beauty.
3. Technology - Developing technology that enables photographers to take pictures in low light conditions with ease, creating more opportunities for nighttime photography experiences.

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