Brandon Mendelson, President of Earth's Temporary Solution (INTERVIEW)

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Brandon Mendelson, President Of Earth's Temporary Solution (INTERVIEW)

With over 827,600 followers, Brandon Mendelson is the most popular Twitter user that isn’t a celebrity, media outlet or brand. As President of Earth’s Temporary Solution, Brandon Mendelson leads the charge on social funding projects like #AMHF (A Million High Fives), which inspires volunteers worldwide to collect items for charities and local shelters.

Brandon Mendelson’s success with Earth’s Temporary Solution and A Million High Fives has led to his latest project, the Great Wall of Twitter, which is set to create a giant wall of social networking cards and help fund A Million High Fives (see video below the interview). We caught up with Brandon Mendelson today via Twitter.

5 Questions with Brandon Mendelson

1. How do you stay on the cutting edge?
I read everything I can.

2. How do you reset yourself to become creative? Do you have any rituals?
I (99% of the time) don’t do any work Friday-Saturday-Sunday except for when we’re in production for a project like #AMHF.

3. That’s a great strategy. Have you ever thrown away an existing idea to force yourself to find something new? If so, when?
All the time. We have gone through at least five different crowdfunding ideas before settling on the "Great Wall Of Twitter."

4. We love #AMHF. How did you get involved/started, and what motivates you to continue?
Very long answer to that first one. The Twitter version: We’re passionate about helping people.

5. Understood completely! What is the key to innovation?
Never stop learning.

Trend Themes
1. Social Funding Projects - The success of Earth's Temporary Solution and A Million High Fives show the potential for social funding projects to engage volunteers and raise funds for charities.
2. Crowdfunding Ideas - The Great Wall Of Twitter is an example of how crowdfunding ideas can go through multiple iterations before settling on a final product.
3. Continuous Learning - According to Brandon Mendelson, the key to innovation is to never stop learning.
Industry Implications
1. Charity - Social funding projects like A Million High Fives have the potential to disrupt traditional fundraising methods and engage a wider audience in charitable giving.
2. Crowdfunding - The Great Wall Of Twitter is an example of how crowdfunding platforms can be used for unique and creative projects, beyond the typical product or business funding campaigns.
3. Education - The emphasis on continuous learning as a key to innovation highlights the potential for industries, especially those in the technology sector, to prioritize ongoing education and training for employees.

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