Brain Piercings

Creepy Body Mod Causes Constant Euphoria

I tried and tried to think of the next hot bod mod and just couldn’t come up with a body part that had not already been pierced, but my brain wasn’t working right. So I twirled the little piercing in my brain and, lo and behold, I had an idea.

According to this blog, brain piercing is the latest in body modificatioin. They drill small holes in your skull, then pass a metal (gold or silver) ring through the holes. The trick is that the ring presses the brain tissue and invokes euphoria. The whole procedure is carried under an anesthesia and after the ring is passed, it does not cause any pain.
Trend Themes
1. Brain Piercings - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop safer and less invasive methods for brain stimulation to enhance euphoria.
2. Body Modification - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create new and unique body modification techniques that go beyond traditional piercings.
3. Brain Stimulation Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the development of advanced brain stimulation technologies for therapeutic purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Body Modification Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate within the body modification industry by offering new and unique brain piercing services.
2. Neuroscience Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Apply brain stimulation technology to develop innovative therapeutic treatments and interventions.
3. Jewelry Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create specialized brain piercing jewelry that enhances not only aesthetics but also brain stimulation effects.

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