Braille-Friendly Holiday Chocolates

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Purdys Chocolatier Created a Braille Box to House its Treats

Purdys Chocolatier, a Canadian chocolate company, created a braille box to house its chocolate treats during the holiday season. The accessible packaging is geared towards folks with visual impairments who rely on the sense of touch to dictate their reading.

The chocolatier created a holiday box of chocolates over the Christmas holiday with both a braille label and a braille legend for the chocolates inside. Purdys consulted with members of the blind and partially sighted community to design the box and the braille legend. While there is much left to do to create more inclusive packaging across all its products, the brand is hopeful that this step will increase inclusivity and awareness across the food and snack industry.
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Packaging - Designing packaging with inclusive and accessible features, such as braille, for people with disabilities.
2. Collaborative Design - Consulting with members of the blind and partially sighted community to create products that meet their specific needs.
3. Awareness Campaigns - Raising awareness about the importance of inclusive packaging and promoting the adoption of accessible design features in the food and snack industry.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery Industry - Implementing inclusive packaging designs to cater to customers with visual impairments and disabilities.
2. Disability Services Industry - Partnering with companies and brands to create products and services that are more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Developing campaigns that promote the value of inclusive design and accessibility in the food and snack industry.

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