Fashion-Flora Mashups

The Miss Moss Botanical Resort Images Compare Collections with Flowers

The Miss Moss Botanical Resort post introduces a series of comparison between current Resort 2016 collections and individual flowers. Present in the botanical series are highlighting pieces from high end labels including Chanel, Isa Arfen and Burberry Prorsum.

By drawing on similarities between blossoms and some of the latest couture, Miss Moss is pointing to the way in which fashion often imitates nature, whether intentional or not.

The accuracy of Miss Moss' clothing-base pairings speaks to the South African blogger's talent and evident eye for style. As the images blend perfectly, it appears as if these flora additions were intentionally executed on behalf of the actual brands via the assortment of floor-length gowns and jumpers.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion-nature Connection - Opportunity for fashion brands to leverage the inherent beauty and patterns found in nature to create innovative and visually stunning collections.
2. Botanical-inspired Fashion - Potential for fashion designers to draw inspiration from individual flowers and incorporate their colors, textures, and motifs into clothing designs.
3. Nature-influenced Couture - The chance for high-end labels to explore the concept of imitating nature in their couture pieces and highlight the connection between fashion and the natural world.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can explore the fusion of fashion and nature through intricate designs, patterns, and prints that mimic the beauty of flowers and plants.
2. Botanical Gardens - Opportunity for botanical gardens to collaborate with fashion designers and showcase garments inspired by their floral collections, blurring the lines between fashion and nature.
3. Luxury Goods - High-end brands can capitalize on the fashion-nature connection by creating exclusive botanical-inspired collections that embody elegance and sophistication.

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