Boomer Street Style Platforms

Photographer Misja Beijers Captures Aging Fashion Icons on Instagram

Photographer Misja Beijers captures boomer street style shots for her Instagram page and accompanying style blog. While traditional street style posts by Vogue and The Sartorialist capture a younger demographic, this particular feed zones in on subjects who are aged 50 and older.

In addition to profiling more familiar boomer style icons like Linda Fargo of Bergdorf Goodman, Beijers also takes to the street and captures images of real people with an amazing sense of style.

Walking the streets of New York, Paris and even The Haugue in the Netherlands, the photographer captures images that embody a sense of personality and creativity. Unlike their younger counterparts who often opt for uniformity, these boomer street style subjects aren't afraid to experiment with vintage pieces, prints and eclectic accessories.
Trend Themes
1. Boomer Street Style - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing and marketing clothing lines specifically tailored to the boomer demographic, embracing their unique style and preferences.
2. Aging Fashion Icons - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating platforms and brands that celebrate and showcase the fashion sense and style of older individuals, breaking age stereotypes in the fashion industry.
3. Inclusive Street Style - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Promoting diversity and inclusivity in street style photography and fashion by featuring subjects of different age groups and backgrounds alongside traditional street style influencers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing personalized shopping experiences and lines targeting the boomer market, catering to their unique fashion preferences.
2. Fashion Blogging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating fashion blogs and platforms that focus on showcasing and promoting the style of older individuals, challenging the youth-centric nature of the industry.
3. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing street style photography platforms and exhibitions that highlight the fashion sense and creativity of diverse age groups, expanding the concept of street style beyond the younger demographic.

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