Awful Audiobook Shops

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This Fake Web Store Pits Actual Books vs. Audio Books, and Audio Loses

When you're on the go, listening to an audiobook can be extremely convenient, but Pulp Books wanted to put an end to the books vs. audio book debate. The physical book retailer set up a mock audiobook site called 'Audiobookery,' which featured free audiobooks. However, the site was full of the kinds of books that are most unsuited to listening, and actually require you to look at a page. This included origami books, pop-up books and coloring books, which narrated words like "pull" and "fold" over and over again.

Below the terrible recording, visitors to Audiobookery would be prompted to "Rediscover the power of real books," by taking a trip over to Pulp Books' online book store.
Trend Themes
1. Physical Vs Digital Reading - Opportunity for innovative ways to merge the two reading experiences.
2. Improvements in Audio Book Technology - Creating more innovative and interactive audio book experiences.
3. Audio Book Discovery - New opportunities to address discovery difficulties with audio books.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Publishers can further explore the merging of physical and digital reading experiences.
2. Audio Technology - Audio technology companies can innovate new ways to enhance the audio book experience.
3. E-commerce - E-commerce sites can improve audio book discovery and recommendations.

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