Badass Blogger Tatts

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The Blog Life Tattoo Shows That This Dude Rules the Blogosphere

Blogging is a tough profession nowadays and if you want to come up on top, you need to show that you'll take no prisoners along the way -- the Blog Life tattoo does just that. A clever take on the classic Thug Life tattoo, it shows that the individual donning the tatt has net-surfing credit.

Inked onto the inside of Geekologie reader Jian's hands, the Blog Life tattoo is definitely a first of its kind. I can only wonder what other professional bloggers will respond with.
Trend Themes
1. Professional Blogger Tattoos - The trend of professional bloggers getting tattoos to showcase their dedication and passion for their craft.
2. Personal Branding Tattoos - The rise of tattoos as a form of personal branding for individuals in creative professions, such as blogging.
3. Online Persona Tattoos - The emergence of tattoos as a way for bloggers to visually represent their online persona and assert their authority in the blogosphere.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The tattoo industry has an opportunity to capitalize on the increasing number of professional bloggers seeking tattoos to enhance their personal and professional image.
2. Blogging Industry - The blogging industry can explore collaborations with tattoo artists to create unique tattoo designs that resonate with the blogging community.
3. Personal Branding Industry - The personal branding industry can offer services and consulting specifically tailored to bloggers, including strategies for incorporating tattoos into their personal brand.

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