Longevity Furniture

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Bioscleave House Expands Lifespan

The owner of this home says it is "immoral" for people to have to die. Arakawa and his wife Madeline Gins designed this offbeat (understatement of the year) home. The undulating floor is like a 12 year old with acne -- it has a lot of bumps. But the owners believe the home, called Bioscleave House (Lifespan Extending Villa) will make people use their bodies in unusual ways which will provide health benefits.

Implications - The Bioscleave House tends to throw people off balance for reasons both literal and figurative. The house has a undulating floor and the owners that the unique design will encourage people to interact differently in the home.
Trend Themes
1. Life-extending Architecture - Architects and designers can focus on creating living spaces that promote longevity and healthier lifestyles.
2. Wellness Homes - There is an opportunity to create homes that are specifically designed to promote health, wellness, and longevity.
3. Innovative Home Design - Designers can create homes that encourage people to use their bodies in different ways, promoting healthier and more active lifestyles.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can incorporate innovative designs and technology in homes that promote health and wellness.
2. Healthcare - There is opportunity to market homes and interiors that have a positive impact on health and longevity.
3. Furniture - Furniture designers can create furniture that encourages movement and activity, promoting healthier lifestyles.

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