AI Fish Trophies

Artist Brian Kane Turned a Billy Bass Fish into an Amazon Alexa Assistant

The Big Mouth Billy Bass fish trophy came into popularity in the late 90s and early 2000s as an animatronic prop that sings kitschy cover songs. While the talking fish remains just a fond memory for many that lives on in pop culture, artist Brian Kane recently turned the Billy Bass fish into a useful AI tool for today.

In addition to producing many of its own Alexa-enabled devices, Amazon made it possible for third-party companies to create Alexa-enabled devices through a developer portal. As such, the Billy Bass fish was transformed into Amazon Alexa using a RasberryPi processing unit and the Alexa API.

When asked "Alexa, what's the weather?" the reworked talking fish trophy is able to give an accurate update on local weather conditions.
Trend Themes
1. Voice-enabled AI Devices - Alexa-enabled devices are becoming more prevalent as companies create third-party products using Amazon's developer portal.
2. Upcycling - Repurposing nostalgic objects like Big Mouth Billy Bass fish trophies into useful AI tools presents new opportunities for creative expression and sustainability.
3. Conversationally-driven Experiences - As AI-based assistants like Alexa become capable of engaging users in seamless conversational interactions, the possibilities for creating compelling experiences across industries will continue to expand.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can leverage voice-enabled AI devices to create more interactive and personalized experiences for their customers, as well as to gather valuable data on consumer preferences and patterns.
2. Entertainment - With the rise of conversational AI assistants, entertainment companies can create new platforms and content that leverage voice-driven interactions to engage audiences in more immersive and dynamic ways.
3. Sustainability - Upcycling and repurposing objects like Big Mouth Billy Bass fish trophies into useful AI devices can help promote sustainability by reducing waste and breathing new life into discarded items.

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