Winsome Gaming Apps

Big Time Game is a Mobile Gaming App with a Large Cash Prize

If you love mobile entertainment, Big Time game is a must-download app that makes it worth your while to be the best player. Big Time from WINR Games separates itself from most other games in iOS and Android app stores by offering $1,000 weekly cash prizes to players. So far, the company has given out somewhere between $18-$20K as a reward to its best players each Saturday.

In the app there are 10 games to earn tickets from, which means that there's lots of choice to pick the game that suits your abilities best. When it comes time to collect a cash prize, this happens through a secure email money transfer or PayPal, where winners are required to submit a smiling selfie that will appear on the app and website.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Gaming - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in mobile gaming by offering large cash prizes to players.
2. Cash Prize Rewards - Disruptive innovation opportunity by offering cash prizes as rewards in mobile gaming apps.
3. Secure Payment Methods - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in secure payment methods for cash prizes in gaming apps.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the development of mobile gaming apps with cash prize rewards.
2. Online Payments - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in online payment methods for cash rewards in gaming apps.
3. Gaming and Entertainment - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the gaming and entertainment industry by offering cash prizes in mobile gaming apps.

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